Categories for Sports Nutrition Q&A

10. July 2018
Majority of swimmers have their first training session early in the morning. It is quite usual that the breakfast eaten before the early session hasn’t yet been digested by the time the session starts. That might also mean that some swimmers skip proper breakfast not to have the heavy feeling in gut during the session. What are the alternatives to pre-swimming breakfast by SiS? Isotonic gels have been shown to get working within 15-30 minutes of taking and have a peak blood sodium plasma after just 45 minutes, in combination with GO Electrolyte as your pre-swim and during session hydration, this can deliver the fast supply of carbohydrate needed to support performance. Then have protein/carbs in the post-swim recovery nutrition. Alternatively, if the morning session is an easy recovery swim this could actually be a good time to skip breakfast. Morning training, after an overnight fast, can help to promote fat metabolism and endurance performance. The only downside to this would-be intensity of exercise suffers, so a hard sessions should not be done fasted. In this situation, a SiS caffeine drink 15-20 minutes before the session can provide the mental boost! A day of swimming competitions goes something like: morning warm...
10. July 2018
Is there such a thing as too much protein? Like all food stuffs, you can always over-consume one thing at the expense of the other. Our standard advice for protein requirements is to consume 2 g/kg body mass per day, spread out as even doses every 3-4 hours. This usually equates to protein intake at main meals, in snacks and...
10. July 2018
One food someone should be eating every day? There is no single one food stuff, all macro and micronutrients are important as they work together to achieve optimal performance. However, we would say the biggest mistake elites and non-elites make is to under-consume protein at breakfast and so for this reason, What supplements have improved drastically over the years? We...