
10. July 2018

Is there such a thing as too much protein?

Like all food stuffs, you can always over-consume one thing at the expense of the other. Our standard advice for protein requirements is to consume 2 g/kg body mass per day, spread out as even doses every 3-4 hours. This usually equates to protein intake at main meals, in snacks and in close proximity to the completion of training or competition.

When selecting a protein source would you say dairy (Whey or Milk) is essential?

Dairy is not essential but milk is often an under-consumed protein source. It provides protein, carbohydrate, fluid, electrolytes and calcium at the same time. I often advise recovery drinks are made with milk as opposed to water, unless in an intended period of weight loss and you want to maintain high daily protein intakes without additional calories.

Are sports supplements such as protein shakes suitable for teenagers? My 14-year-old son insists on taking them but I’m not sure if it’s a great idea.

It shouldn’t be a problem if he has a thought out strategy and sticks to an ethical brand without crazy additives. Could be a good idea for him to add up his total g of protein per Kg body weight and check it’s not a lot more than 2g/Kg/day. Might also be a good idea to check what supplements he is getting into and ensure nothing crazy and no overlap pushing over RDAs.

How much protein should you have daily during marathon training (averaging 60+ miles per week)?

Protein intake and timing is key to ensure you get the most out of your sessions. Consuming around 2 g/kg body mass of protein daily will help optimise training adaptations and maintain muscle mass. Consuming protein little and often (20-25 g portions) throughout the day is ideal.

Is it okay to use milk to make REGO shake?

Yes you can add a little milk. SiS rego rapid recovery is designed to be absorbed quickly in order to raise leucine levels and stimulate protein synthesis. Adding milk could potentially slow this down because 80% of milk is casein and this tends to clott when it gets to the stomach and slow down gastro intestinal motility.

Should post-lifting session nutrition differ from post-cardio sessions, if so, how?

Following both exercise sessions protein intake (20-25g) will be important to initiate muscle repair and optimise training adaptations. After resistance exercise carb stores are unlikely to be depleted when compared with aerobic exercise (endurance sessions). Therefore following resistance exercise whey protein is ideal, whereas after longer aerobic sessions carb intake will be required to replenish muscle glycogen and so SiS rapid recovery powder will be more effective.

What is protein smoothie recipe that covers all nutritional bases?

Greek yoghurt, banana, mixed berries, a scoop of whey protein and lots of ice.

Any advise on getting bigger & gaining muscle mass?

A combination of resistance exercise and increasing overall protein intake can help increase muscle mass. Look at protein intake specifically around training times and in the morning as these are the times often forgotten about. Aim for 25g of protein within the hour before and after training.

Are their any foods or suggestions on how I can aid muscle recovery?

Use SiS rapid recovery powder in the 30 minutes after your run to replenish your glycogen stores to help the legs the day after! Plenty of fruit & veg as sources of antioxidants can also help, as well as making sure you rehydrate properly. Have 20-25g of protein every 3-4hrs through the day to support your lean muscle tissue if you’re running on an energy deficit.

I always drink SiS REGO Rapid Recovery after exercise, but what would you recommend to eat as I am always hungry soon after.

SiS rapid recovery powder is great for immediately after exercise (within 30 mins) as it contains protein, carbohydrate and electrolytes. This should be followed by a sufficient meal soon after, for example a source of carbohydrate with high quality protein (chicken, salmon, egg) and vegetables is great as this will replenish carbohydrate stores whilst also enhancing muscle recovery.

Can recovery shakes be used as a meal replacement for those wanting to lose weight as opposed to using something like Slim Fast?

We never recommend SiS products as real meal replacements. They should be used in addition to a well-balanced diet to aid with sports performance, not weight loss.

Some ‘energy’ and ‘recovery’ drinks make me feel a bit queasy. They seem to be the ones with Taurine in. Is this a known thing? Or is there something else it could be?

You could maybe verify this by taking a taurine supplement but most ‘taurine’ recovery drinks contain many, many ingredients so it could be a lot of things. Maybe stick to SiS rapid recovery powder!

What would a typical daily food intake look like for someone who needs to fight inflammation, so it helps boost recovery?

In general, we advise people to eat “natural” foods and avoid processed sugars and meats etc. It may sound too simple, but fresh vegetables, fruit / berries, oily fish, poultry and dairy etc alongside carbohydrate sources such as rice / quinoa / sweet potatoes etc should form the basis of your dietary approach for this goal. Avoid sugars and alcohol and limit your caffeine intake!

When having to choose between REGO Rapid Recovery and REGO+, which one to prefer?

If we look at nutritional data, then we can draw following comparisons:

  • Soy protein versus whey protein (REGO vs REGO+)
  • REGO+ contains 6g of BCAA, while REGO gives 3 times less through leucine
  • REGO+ contains 5g of L-glutamine, but REGO don’t? Yes, no l-glutamine in REGO

REGO+ would be the premium recovery product, to be used:

  • With elite athletes / teams
  • After endurance events e.g. someone running a marathon
  • After matches (football, basketball, ice hockey etc)
  • The standard REGO can be used as your day-to-day recovery suggestion for non-elite athletes